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Telegram Messenger

Telegram is my personal favorite. It's a free application available on Android, iPhone & iPad (iOS), and both Mac and Windows computers. You can send voice clips, files (video, audio, and documents) up to 2GB in size, and its user interface is really friendly. If you want to try it, click the download button below, or if you're on mobile, you can go right to your phone's app store (Android or iOS) and download it there.

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What Next?

If you have it already, hit message me. If you need to download it, you guessed it! Hit download. If you have a whole lot more questions, you can hit learn more. I think you're going to love it! Not just with me, but with friends and family. It's the best one out there! Enjoy! 🙂

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Message Me

If you already have the Telegram app on your computer, tablet, or phone (whatever device you're reading this on), this link will open a chat to us in the app. We may or may not be tending to the chat at the time you contact us, but we'll do our best to get back to you timely. 

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What is Telegram?

Telegram is a messaging app you can download for Android, and iOS as well as on your computer, whether Windows or Mac. If you prefer, you can use it directly in a browser on desktop, too, as they have a web application. The app is a much better user experience, though, and it's easy to download, install, and get started.

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Download The App

You can download the Telegram app for iOS, Mac, Android, PC, and others. Just click the download button, and you will be redirected to Telegram's website for the simple download links. If on a phone, those links will take you right to the app in Apples App Store or Android's Play Store.

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